Suzdal - a preserve city of old Russia


In the Vladimir region, on the banks of the Kamenka River - a tributary of the river. Nerl - the old Russian city of Suzdal is spread out and is included in the list of the "Golden Ring of Russia".

Short story

Suzdal grew up on the site of one of the most ancient settlements of North-Eastern Russia, where people from Novgorod lands lived, looking for fertile places and "wide expanse". For the first time the city was mentioned in 1024 in the story of the chronicler Nestor in connection with the uprising of farmers-smerds.

Monastery of Saint Euthymius

The uprising was caused by hunger. The Magi, approved by the pagan people, seized bread and killed the elders, claiming that the tribal nobility (the old child) did not let the rain fall, retarding the growth of the grain. In the first century of its existence, Suzdal was the lot of the princes of Kiev, then of Pereyaslavl; it was ruled by the prince's assistants (governors).

In 1125, after the partition of Russia between the sons of Vladimir Monomakh, Suzdal received Yuri Dolgoruky as an inheritance and declared it the capital city of the Rostov-Suzdal principality. Striving for unanimous rule, Yuri erected his princely court separately from the place of settlement of the noble boyars, near Suzdal, in Kideksha. After the death of Yuri, his son Andrei Bogolyubsky moved the capital of the principality to Vladimir, as a result of which Suzdal lost its significance as a political center.

Monastery of the Robe

With the growth and effort of the Moscow principality, the Suzdal princes united with the Nizhny Novgorod princes and formed the Nizhny Novgorod-Suzdal principality with the capital in Nizhny Novgorod. However, Suzdal was unable to maintain its independence, and in 1392 it was annexed to the Moscow possessions. In 1565, Suzdal, among other cities, entered the oprichnina of Ivan the Terrible. In the 17th century, difficult times came for the city: Suzdal had not yet managed to recover from the raids of the Polish-Lithuanian invaders, when in 1634 the Crimean Tatars raided it.

There are only 78 courtyards left in the city posad, and 10 years later a fire incinerated a part of the city adjacent to the Kremlin. In 1654-1655, an epidemic of pestilence killed almost half of the urban population, that is, more than 1000 people. But after all the troubles, Suzdal was reborn from the ashes, and at the end of the 18th century it turned into a quiet district town of the Vladimir province.

Alexander Monastery

The main attractions of Suzdal

On August 10, 2024, Suzdal will celebrate its 1000th anniversary. In 1982, the International Federation of Tourism Journalists presented Suzdal with the prestigious Golden Apple award for his contribution to the preservation of ancient architectural ensembles and their use for the development of international tourism. Suzdal is a real city-museum, where 200 architectural monuments represent 8 centuries of the history of the Russian state.

To feel the charm of Suzdal, you need to stroll along the narrow streets lined with wooden houses of the 19th century, see reflections of the snow-white walls of belfries, gold domes, blue skies in the quiet waters of Kamenka, and enjoy the bell ringing.

View of the Trading Rows, the "pair" of the Kazan Church and the Resurrection at the auction (center), the "pair" of the Pyatnitskaya and Entry-Jerusalem Churches (on the right) and the Kresto-Nikolskaya Church (on the left)

In Suzdal, among the Central Russian nature, which is in amazing harmony with ancient architecture, you can see with your own eyes the words of I.E. Grabar that Russia is "predominantly a country of architects." According to one version, the very name of the city "Suzdal" ("Suzhdal") comes from the verb "zizhdu" (system). Suzdal honey is no less famous; mead is sold here at every step. Small cozy Suzdal with a population of 11 thousand people can be bypassed in 2 - 3 days and go to Vladimir. Fortunately, it's just a stone's throw from here - 26 km on the way.

Suzdal monasteries

Article: Suzdal monasteries - visiting cards of the ancient city

Pokrovsky Convent

In the ancient Russian city, five Christian monasteries have survived - three for men and two for women. In any of the Suzdal monasteries, pilgrims and tourists are allowed free of charge. The oldest monasteries stood on the Suzdal land for 7-8 centuries. Some of them have long been used as a place of imprisonment for rebels and free-thinkers, German prisoners of war and sectarians.

Suzdal monasteries suffered greatly during the years of persecution against the Church. When the Soviet government fought against religion, many ancient shrines were lost, and monastery churches were destroyed. Since the 1990s, cathedrals and stone walls have had to be restored and rebuilt.

Intercession Cathedral with a hipped-roof bell tower of the Intercession Monastery

The richest architectural heritage is famous for the old Spaso-Evfimiev Monastery... His churches have no analogues in Russian architecture. In the former monastery prison, a museum has been created that tells about the difficult fate of the prisoners who were held in this monastery.

Churches and cathedrals of Suzdal

Article: Temples and cathedrals of Suzdal - harmony of "paired" churches

Elias Church (Temple of Elijah the Prophet)

How many temples are there in the city? Surprisingly, even the locals cannot give the exact number. Today Suzdal is decorated with more than 50 churches and cathedrals. Some of them are located in the territories of ancient monasteries.

The oldest temple in Suzdal, the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin, was built at the beginning of the 12th century in the Kremlin, and the tallest bell tower stands in the Monastery of the Robe. The three-tiered Reverend Tower rises to a height of 72 m, and from it, as in the palm of your hand, open the streets, the Kamenka valley and the domes of churches.

View of the Cathedral of the Robe Deposition of the Holy Robe Deposition Convent from the Venerable Bell Tower

Several temples have survived on the territory of Posad - the former trade and craft part of Suzdal. Previously, roads diverged from the central Trade Square to Vladimir, Rostov, Kideksha and Nizhny Novgorod. The remarkable ensemble of churches of Suzdal Posad was formed in the 17th-18th centuries. Resurrection and Kazan churches at the Torga are considered real pearls.

Suzdal museums

Article: Suzdal museums - pages of the history of Suzdal lands

The Annunciation Gate Church of the Spaso-Evfimiev Monastery, which houses the exposition "Dmitry Pozharsky - National Hero of Russia"

Ancient Suzdal is included in the Vladimir-Suzdal Museum-Reserve, which unites unique monuments of white-stone architecture from different cities of the Vladimir region. The museums located in the Suzdal Kremlin display ancient Russian paintings, furniture and toys of the 18th-19th centuries.

Several exhibitions have been created on the territory of the Spaso-Euthymius Monastery in Suzdal. People come here to see old books and manuscripts, as well as to admire rare collections of decorative and applied art - colored enamels, exquisite embroidery, chasing and products created by talented jewelers.

Fraternal Corps of the Spaso-Evfimiev Monastery, which houses the expositions "The Interweaving of Destinies", "The History of the Suzdal Monasteries", "Defeating Time" - a "living" museum of restoration

Tourists like the interactive complex "Shchurovo Settlement" and the Wax Museum, where characters from Russian history of the 9th-19th centuries are presented. Interesting collections of ancient household items are placed in the architectural monuments "Posad House" and "Prikaznaya Izba".

Suzdal Kremlin

Article: Suzdal Kremlin - the heart of the ancient city

Bird's eye view of the Suzdal Kremlin

Everyone who strolls along the central street of Suzdal will discover the heart of the city in all its glory - the ancient white-stone Kremlin. From here, from the bend of Kamenka, Suzdal began to rebuild.

The oldest building on the territory of the Suzdal Kremlin is the majestic Nativity Cathedral.It appeared in the 20s of the XII century on the site of an older church, which was founded by Vladimir Monomakh. The beautiful five-domed temple is decorated with stone carvings and blue domes with gold stars.

Assumption Church of the Suzdal Kremlin

Tourists come to the Kremlin to get acquainted with the architectural monuments, the history of Suzdal and feel the unique spirit of the ancient city. The Kremlin with temples and Suzdal monasteries are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Suzdal Museum of Wooden Architecture and Peasant Life

Article: Suzdal Museum of Wooden Architecture and Peasant Life - makeshift village in Suzdal

Wheel well in the Museum of Wooden Architecture and Peasant Life

Travelers are impressed by the makeshift village on the outskirts of the city. The colorful open-air museum was created at the end of the 20th century to preserve the old wooden buildings of the Vladimir region.

Today the architectural reserve recreates the atmosphere of a Russian village of the 18th-19th centuries. On the picturesque "streets" there are wooden huts of the middle and well-to-do peasant, churches, squat barns and windmills. It is noteworthy that the buildings are not empty! Inside you can see tools, antique utensils and household items.

Resurrection Church (foreground) and Transfiguration Church (background) in the Museum of Wooden Architecture and Peasant Life

Throughout the year, colorful holidays and folklore festivals are held on the territory of the unusual Suzdal museum. In summer, tourists are happy to go to the Crafts Festival and the Cucumber Festival, and at the end of winter - to the merry Shrovetide.

Suzdal on the map

Russian cities on


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