Cambodia landmarks


Not so long ago, Cambodia was one of the little-known and unexplored countries of our planet. But today this remote corner of the mainland is considered one of the most popular exotic destinations for numerous tourists.

Many of us remember the scene from the film about the adventures of Lara Croft, when Angelina Jolie finished off the multi-armed monsters. But not everyone knows that the episode was filmed within the walls of the Cambodian temple complex of Angkor. Agree, just in order to see with your own eyes this unique creation of the hands of mankind, which until recently was hidden from prying eyes by the dense thickets of the jungle, it is worth visiting the amazing Asian land.

What attracts tourists

It is to Cambodia that all those who prefer to diversify their exotic seaside vacation in a few unconventional ways go. There is everything here to make your vacation exciting and memorable: the warm sea, sandy beaches, exotic animals and the unusual culture of local residents. And what are the prices here! For a few dollars, you can have a great meal or visit several attractions at once. By the way, let's take a closer look at the sights of Cambodia, together we will take a walk through the most interesting and mysterious places.


Cambodia is an amazing country, on the territory of which an impressive number of temples and other religious buildings could be accommodated. In addition, many temples are of real historical and cultural value, which should be touched by every self-respecting tourist. What is the wonderful Angkor Wat! This grandiose temple structure is located in the middle of the jungle, on the site where one of the most ancient capitals once stood. This is the main city of the Khmers.

More information and interesting facts about Angkor Wat in our article.

From the first glance at the majestic buildings, huge walls and impressive stone sculptures, it seems that people could not create the temple complex. It is not for nothing that there is a legend in these places, according to which the temple was built by the earthly son of one of the most revered gods in ancient times - Indra. According to legend, he wanted to create an exact copy of the divine palace of his immortal father.

Even by modern standards, the temple complex is enormous. Just think, its area is over 200 hectares. In addition, the buildings were created on three levels at once. The complex is decorated with five high towers, each of which is made in the form of a closed lotus flower. The tallest tower stands at an impressive 65 meters. In addition, you can find huge sculptures carved out of stone almost at every corner. For example, there are 2000 figures of the celestial dancer Apsara, each of which is different from each other. Since 1992, all this wealth has been officially included in the list of the world population and taken under the protection of the international organization UNESCO.

Not far from the magnificent Angkor Wat is the second largest, no less impressive Bayon Temple. This amazing attraction is practically the only thing that remains of the huge city of Angkor Thom. The temple was built in the 12th century and was dedicated to the main local deity - Buddha.

The temple itself evokes thoughts about its natural origin. Here and there are huge blocks of stone, in the silhouettes of which you can easily see the features of a human face.

The Bayon Temple also has three levels and several impressive towers, the central of which represents the center of the universe. Judging by the remaining fragments, there was a sculpture of Buddha in the center of this tower. But under the influence of the elements and time, it could not survive in its original form to this day. Every tourist should visit this attraction, which is one of the brightest representatives of the architecture of medieval Cambodia and a real cultural heritage.

Not far from Angkor Thom there is another interesting temple, the construction of which took place in the 12-13th centuries. This complex is dedicated to another Hindu deity - Brahma. In addition to the main religious purpose, the temple is also known as a full-fledged university. This temple was discovered only in the 20th century, and the roots of trees, which are tightly woven into the walls and roofs of buildings, are the only fastening element. It was thanks to the trees that the temple did not crumble under the influence of time and numerous downpours.

Natural curiosities

But Cambodia is famous not only for its architectural masterpieces. Nature is in no way inferior to the ancient masters, so tourists who have arrived with a guided tour of the most attractive places in an Asian country should definitely visit several places that were created by the forces of nature.

For example, Tonle Sap Lake. Throughout Southeast Asia, you will not be able to find a larger freshwater lake than this. If you get to its shore during the dry season, you will not find anything remarkable. An ordinary-looking reservoir, rather modest in size (only 2500 sq. Km.) During the period of heavy tropical rains, it spills over an area of ​​16 thousand square kilometers!

Rumor has it that large fish are found in the muddy muddy water. Since ancient times, Cambodians have been fishing for food. It is here that you can find unusual floating structures. Here, every house, even hospitals and police stations, are located right on the water.

Therefore, the second attraction, to which nature has had a hand, is the numerous floating villages. The whole life of local inhabitants, in one way or another, is connected with water. Quaint houses play the role of shelters, children study here and old people live out their last hours. A school, shops, a hospital and even a sports field are all set on the water.

During the dry season, the lake becomes shallow, and houses run into the muddy bottom. When the rainy season begins, and the water level reaches ten meters, the houses begin to move along an unknown trajectory. But there is one building that is firmly anchored on huge piles and never changes its location. This is a Buddhist monastery.

The main occupation of the local inhabitants is fishing. The lake generously pays its inhabitants with all kinds of fish and shellfish, other underwater inhabitants. They are used in cooking, some for sale and some for pet food.

Since every year the flow of tourists who wish to see the unusual village with their own eyes increases, the locals have adapted to use it for their own good. Numerous boats with guides are waiting for you at the piers and are always ready to give a ride between the unique houseboats for a modest fee.

Other sights of Cambodia

Having seen enough of the houseboats, many tourists think about where else to go in search of fresh impressions. Cambodia is happy to share many of its other secrets, become a guide to antiquities and unique places.

Let's go to the famous great capital Angkor Thom. According to the primary sources, the city was for a long time endowed with the status of the capital of the Great Khmer Empire. The first stones were laid all in the same 12th century, and the population during the heyday exceeded a million. It is with the emergence of Angkor Thom that many historians and archaeologists associate the restructuring of the religious consciousness of the ancient Cambodians on the "rails" of Buddhism.

On the territory of the ancient ruins, many temples and monasteries have survived, which were dedicated to Buddha.After numerous bloody wars with the Thais, the city gradually became empty, after which it was forgotten for some time. The foot of the first European set foot on the territory of the ancient city only in 1609, when researchers discovered it among the dense jungle. Since then, the city of Angkor Thom has been considered one of the main attractions of Cambodia, which is gladly visited by many tourists and lovers of antiquities.

The Terrace of the Leper King is no less popular among visitors. Where does this original name come from? It is not known for certain, there are only a few versions. According to the main assumption, the French researchers who came to the excavations discovered a statue of the king, which was covered with thick moss in places. From the first glance at the statue, it seemed as if she was sick with leprosy. Hence the corresponding name appeared.

According to another version put forward by Cambodian scientists, the statue found really depicts a king. According to legend, he fought with a snake that spat poison at him. But the third version looks the most plausible, according to which the found statue does not at all personify the king, but is dedicated to the ancient god of death. And the terrace itself is nothing more than an ordinary crematorium.

Visitors will find it interesting to walk along the walls, which are generously covered with images of sea gods, animals and nagas.

Well, since we have climbed deep into the jungle of Cambodia, it would be foolish not to look at the famous elephant terrace. According to legend, the terrace was dedicated to a huge army of elephants that were in the service of the ancient ruler Jayavarman VII. The army was so huge and terrifying that many of the enemies left the battlefield long before the start of the battle.

There is a version that all parades were held on the terrace, in which the main participants were elephants. It is also worth noting that the terrace received such an original name recently. And the choice was obvious, because you can see images and statues of elephants everywhere. They say that just grandiose pictures are obtained here. One has only to guess the weather and the angle - and you will become the owner of the pictures that even seasoned tourists will envy.

National parks

And finally, you can look into local nature parks and reserves. Today there are 23 national parks on the territory of Cambodia, the most impressive of which bears the name already familiar to all of us - Angkor. You should not deny yourself the pleasure of visiting the famous Bokor Park, where you can get acquainted with the unique representatives of the plant world that grow in the tropical jungles of Asia.

No less attractive from the point of view of excursions will be the Kirirom and Ream parks, as well as the Virchay park, which is huge in area.

Apsara show

For dessert, we left one of the brightest shows called Apsara. Since ancient times, dance was considered to have come from heaven, and dancers were elevated to the rank of goddesses. According to some reports, the dance was revived anew only in the 19th century. If earlier dance was available only to a few initiates, today you can learn its basics in special institutions in Cambodia. Today you can enjoy chiseled female forms that move to the beat of percussion music in many restaurants.


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