Red river Rio Tinto in Spain


Human activities rarely benefit nature. Rio Tinto, located in Spain, is a clear confirmation of this. For thousands of years, it has been exposed to the destructive effects of civilization, as a result of which it is a frightening but mesmerizing sight. This small river became famous due to the fact that, due to mining, which lasted for thousands of years, its waters were oversaturated with acid and a huge amount of heavy metals. These factors have turned Rio Tinto into a disadvantageous area.

Historical reference

Man came to the shores of the Rio Tinto 1000 years ago. Even then, the ancient people used the coastal zone to extract copper, gold, silver and other minerals from its bowels. Locals were digging the shores of the Rio Tinto, looking for copper ore in them. The wealth of the river attracted a whole series of copper miners who began to flock to its territory from all over Andalusia. So many centuries ago, without thinking about the consequences, man began to explore the shores of the Rio Tinto.

Many nations hunted on the territory of the river in their own interests. Nevertheless, all of them did not cause irreparable harm to nature, since they developed only the surface layers of iron-bearing ores. But, they were not endless, and after their depletion, the miners switched to the development of richer deposits.

For thousands of years, mining has been carried out here, but large-scale development began at the end of the 19th century. The mines were then transferred to new owners, who approached the issue on a grand scale. Off the coast of the Rio Tinto, they built an entire village to house British engineers and managers who were exploring the prospects of the deposits. Houses in this settlement are still popular today. At the same time, a 300 km railway was built to develop infrastructure. The peak of production was in the early to mid-20th century.

The main value of the developments was represented by copper-pyrite ores. The total reserves on the territory of the fields are more than 200 million tons, most of which are explored. In addition to ore, gold and silver were mined on the banks of the Rio Tinto.

As a result of human intervention, pits and mines of strange outlines were formed on the coastal territory of the river. Despite the fact that they are detrimental to nature, these formations create an amazing landscape. The huge quarries that have eaten away the earth give it an unearthly look. It seems that alien panoramas appear before our eyes, and not at all Spanish landscapes. The quarries are named after the river, which was previously used to wash minerals from huge craters.

The development of deposits here stopped 20 years ago, but the metals from the remaining mines do not stop littering the river. This was the reason for its unnatural color - bright orange. Combined with the landscape, the river creates an unearthly landscape. Despite its colorfulness, Rio Tinto is a dangerous place. Its acidity is higher than any safe standards, the waters are saturated with dangerous heavy metals.

Rio Tinto research

Despite the frightening conditions of the river, it is not lifeless. Even to such an environment, nature was able to adapt. Several types of bacteria have found their home in Rio Tinto. Their activity of oxidizing iron and ore is the reason for the rich color of the water. Scientists have paid close attention to aerobic bacteria that live in the river and are capable of reproduction.

There is an opinion that the increased acidity of water is the result of the vital activity of these microorganisms. The diet of these bacteria consists of iron and minerals washed out from mines and contained on the slopes of the riverbed. Exactly the same living organisms have been found in remote corners of our planet. They live under the glaciers of Antarctica, where they are also of great interest to researchers.

Rio Tinto has attracted the attention of astrobiologists as well. In their opinion, not only the appearance of the river and quarries is similar to alien, but their content is close to other worlds. Scientists believe that rivers of similar composition may be located on other planets, for example, in the bowels of Mars.

There is an opinion that under the icy surface of one of Jupiter's moons is hidden an ocean inhabited by the same bacteria as the river in Spain. In the 2000s, scientists from NASA were even found who put forward a theory about the existence of life on Mars, citing facts found on Rio Tinto as evidence. It is worth considering that their statement was quite controversial and was not supported by colleagues.

What is interesting for tourists

In the 1980s, all development of the Rio Tinto fields was completely stopped. The resources of the territory were almost completely depleted. Humanity has left, leaving behind a deadly place. Nevertheless, the unearthly shores of Rio Tinto attract tourists from all over the world. Admission here is not prohibited and anyone can observe the dangerous beauty.

A few adventure seekers come to the shores of Rio Tinto, eager to see something unusual, not traveled by tourists. Most begin their journey from the abandoned railroad. Souvenirs can be found right under your feet here. The fragments of rock, washed over the years by the colored waters of Rio Tinto, look more like fragments of other planets than ordinary stones. In the very area, abandoned by people many years ago, filled with decaying mines, you can feel like on the set of a movie.

The extremely dangerous territory of Rio Tinto never ceases to amaze with its beauty. The color and saturation of the water changes every few meters. This is due to the fact that the level of the content of different metals differs in certain areas of the water. This gives the water tones an incredible palette.

One can only marvel at the river that shimmers with waters from red to emerald. Tourists are also presented with the unique Red Lake, which originated in one of the quarries, Korta Atalaya - the largest developed quarry and museum dedicated to this place.

Rio Tinto is recommended to visit for those who are looking for non-standard places not traveled by tourists. At the same time, careers serve as a reminder of the dire consequences that humanity leaves behind.

Rio Tinto river on the map


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