Garajonay National Park


If the Canary Islands themselves are a unique place, then the sights on them can rightfully be called the most amazing on our planet. And all visitors to these amazing resorts of the Atlantic Basin should pay special attention to the most beautiful and unique park called Garajonay.

UNESCO heritage

The park was awarded such a high status in 1986. And there are several reasons for this. Researchers of this part of the land have established that it is here that unique laurel forests have survived, which more than 2 million years ago covered a huge part of continental Europe. With the onset of the last glacial, green massifs have almost completely disappeared and are found only in such paradises.

Another prerequisite for the inclusion of this national park in the World Heritage List is the unique endemicity. It turned out that the park is also home to unique animals that cannot be found in other parts of the world. Of course, this is due to the unique vegetation. And one more important detail. Although the island is of volcanic origin, you will not find traces of volcanic activity on its territory.

Origin of name

Agree, the name Garajonay sounds somehow unusual, even for Spain. There is a legend according to which the park was named after the young Prince Honay and Princess Gara, whose love story very much resembles the story of Romeo and Juliet. Young lovers did not find support from their parents and decided to commit suicide. According to another interpretation, the families of the lovers still gave their consent to the marriage, but on the eve of the engagement a volcano woke up. This was considered an unkind sign and decided to cancel the wedding. The outcome of history is always sad.

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There is another unique fact that inscribed the name of the island in the history of mankind. The fact is that it was from its shores that the famous navigator Columbus sailed, shortly before he discovered a new continent, which is today called America. The ancient church has also survived, from the source of which the discoverer took holy water to baptize new lands.

Description of the park

The basis of the park, in addition to unique green vegetation, is a mountain range. The highest point is located at 1487 meters above sea level.

Despite the fact that there is another nature park on the island - Puntallana - it is Garajonay that is especially popular among tourists and naturalists. Crowds of visitors gather in groups and spend hours photographing the park's beautiful landscapes. Rocky ledges covered with vibrant vegetation, as well as gloomy laurel forests are increasingly replenishing the removable media of visitors' cameras. But not everyone will dare to go deep into the depths. And this is facilitated by the numerous tales that can be heard from local residents and according to which spirits live in the forests and if someone is in their power, he will never be allowed to go home again.

In fact, the entire territory of the park is an impenetrable jungle. Moderate temperature and high humidity allow most plants to survive, which is supported by systematic rains and fogs. Thanks to this, laurel trees can reach a height of up to 40 meters, and their spreading crowns almost completely block the access of sunlight to the earth's surface. That is why there is an impression of such gloom in this evergreen jungle.

The total area of ​​the protected park is 4 thousand hectares, or more than 1/10 of the entire area of ​​La Gomera. If you want a glimpse of North Africa or mainland Europe from the pre-glacial period, you should definitely pay a visit to this Spanish park. Most of the plants found for the first time appeared on these continents and represented an impenetrable thicket. That is why many scientists do not hesitate to call the park “living fossil” and “museum of laurel forests”.

Despite the clear predominance of laurel trees among the vegetation, there are other rare representatives of the flora in the park. Researchers claim that more than 2,000 species of a wide variety of plants are concentrated on a huge territory. Among the especially rare species, it is worth highlighting such trees and shrubs as tree heather, vosnik, Indian Perseus, til and many others. By the way, the last of the mentioned trees can grow up to 35 meters in height.

Complements the local "green" beauty and a network of streams that form an extensive water system. And among the representatives of the fauna, you can often find little-known species of birds, insects and even reptiles. Until recently, many of them were considered extinct, some were not listed in reference books and scientific manuals on zoology.


Garajonay National Park invites everyone to plunge into the wonderful world of flora and fauna, spend part of their vacation in the gripping arms of the mountain range and laurel jungle, breathe the cleanest air and enjoy unique views of the Atlantic Ocean.

For this, an extensive network of viewing platforms, information centers and hotels has been created, which allows tourists to spend time not only with taste, but also with benefit. Experienced guides will show you the most picturesque places on the island, take you to the most amazing corners of the park and allow everyone to get acquainted with a real natural pearl.

How to get there

The attraction is located in the very center of La Gomera, about 15 km from its capital, San Sebastian de La Gomera. You can get to the island from Tenerife by ferry. Ships leave three times a day, and the ticket for adults will cost 70 euros. If you are with young travelers, the fare for them will cost 35 euros.

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Upon arrival in the capital of the island, you will have to take a bus or rent a car. The roads on the island are good, so nothing fits your journey. At the same time, remember that one day may not be enough for a complete acquaintance with the island nature and the unique park.

Recommended reading Royal Trail, Spain.


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