Church of the Sign on Mzhara (Church of the Sign) in Suzdal


At the very entrance to Suzdal from the side of Vladimir, above the steep bank of the Mzhara river, the parish church of the Sign of the Virgin rises.

Short story

On the east side of the Znamensky temple, views of the suburb of Suzdal - Mikhailov side, or Michali, open. In the 13th century, on the site of the Church of the Sign, there was the Vvedensky Convent, next to which the village of Pinaikha was located... The monastic abode was destroyed by hordes of Mongol-Tatars in 1237, and the village existed until 1685 and at the end of the 17th century became part of the city of Suzdal, receiving the name of the Pinaevo side.

According to the scribal book of Suzdal, in 1617 there were two wooden churches - in the name of the Introduction and the Nativity of Christ. At the turn of the 17th - 18th centuries, by order of Metropolitan Illarion of Suzdal, the wooden Church of the Sign, which had previously stood on the Torgovaya Square, was moved to the Pinaev side. In 1749, the Church of the Sign was rebuilt in stone at the expense of funds voluntarily collected by the parishioners.... In 1777, a small "winter" Church of the Deposition of the Robe, creating a single ensemble of "paired" temples. In 1959, the Znamenskaya Church in Suzdal was restored by art critic A.D. Varganov.

Architecture of the Church of the Sign

The composition of the Church of the Sign is based on a cube covered with a four-pitched roof and completed with a faceted drum with an onion dome. The windows on the facades are arranged in two rows and framed with carved platbands. Instead of kokoshniks, the upper part of the walls used to be decorated with images of gospel stories. From the east, a large apse adjoins the main volume-cube, and from the west - a massive front porch resting on faceted pillars.

Between the "summer" Znamenskaya and the "winter" Church of the Robe, a three-tiered bell tower rises. It is a square building with a hemispherical metal roof. The roof of the bell tower is crowned with an onion dome with a cross, and the tiers of the building are decorated with pilasters and semi-columns.

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